Categories: Outings

Announcing: our Meatup scholarship winners!

Likes cats: Emily, a BK Meatup scholar.

It’s official! The results are in, so many witty, only occasionally desperate tales told, and we have our winners: the five lucky (and getting luckier!) singles who sweet-talked their way into free tickets for our first ever BK Meatup tomorrow night at the Bell House.

We wanted to stack the deck with some all around party-enhancers, and Emily, perfect in pearls, stole our hearts by touting her “zero brain problems, no tribal tattoos, saucy sense of humor and wide expanse of useless knowledge to engage suitors.” Plus she vowed, if she won, to bring her even hotter roommate along. Then there’s Josh, the  brainy, beardy turtlenecker who’s eager to sire some spawn, Jessica, whose  unrivaled Billy idol snarl masks an unfailingly kind interior, the Silver Fox, a chiseled young gent whose prematurely gray locks are a mark of distinction, and Linda, who says she’s the best wingwoman in the world. Always the wingwoman, never the bird? Not tomorrow night, Linda! Fingers crossed, you are half of the first twosome into the makeup booth. Thank you to all who entered, and everyone else, what are you waiting for? Get your tickets here, or at the door tomorrow night, starting at 7.

Jonathan Berk :

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  • woah woah woah ... please tell me there will be at least some one with tribal tattoos there. Jersey roots require I only hit on girls with tacky tattoos, preferably of the tramp stamp variety. It's a sad life to live.