Red-hot designer Alexander Wang, this year’s winner of the CFDA Swarovski award for womenswear, is the reigning prince of ’80s punk chic. However, unlike the actual CBGBs denizens we all remember (or at least our older siblings do), his women are rocking $80 t-shirts and $700 boots. So we decided to do a little experiment and try to recreate his look for a few hundred less. While we’re not about to tell you that you can walk out of any one of Brooklyn’s fab secondhand clothing stores looking like you just stumbled off of his runway, in one Saturday afternoon, I did manage to pull together an Alexander Wang-inspired look for under 50 bucks, head to toe. Here’s how.
It all started with my weekly Saturday morning stoop-sale patrol, when I stumbled upon a box of free shoes, two doors down from my building in Fort Greene. In this box I found a great pair of charcoal suede open-toe cut out booties with a stacked heel from Zara, in my size!
A few blocks away is the Artists and Fleas market, where I find a great booth called Blank NY, which is run by a super-cute Asian girl (the designer), and her two friends. Their merchandise consists of a black, grey and white color scheme with cool, deconstructed details—perfect for the look I’m going for. Here I find a great t-shirt dress with oversized, roll up short sleeves and a zippered, faux chest pocket, very similar to one from Wang’s pre-fall collection. I decide that this dress, belted, would be the perfect complement to my leggings. Originally priced at $48, the top is marked down twice to $25, but super-cute Asian girl’s friend gives it to me for $20.
Total cost for this look? $49.47. There you have it, proof that you needn’t have a rock star’s income to dress like one.
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like a pro.
I'll be honest - when you were describing each piece, I wasn't quite sure how it would all look. But damn, nice job with the final look!
love it!!!!! great finds.
Sure, you've proven that you're as resourceful as any hipster who thrifts in Williamsburg. So I'll give you credit for that. Unfortunately, you look as unremarkable as any resourceful hipster who thrifts in Williamsburg. This outfit looks nothing like the one from which you took your inspiration. Sure, you're wearing a long black t-shirt and leggings, but while Wang's clothes for this fall are fresh and modern, you look you shopped at cheap vintage stores. Sorry.
fabulous. too bad I don't have neighbors who throw out cute shoes now and again.
I totally agree. It's proof that you don't need a rock star's income to dress like one.
This look is so Mad Max, luuuuve it!
Thank you for the tips, but you left out where to find the 10 cent wing special with complimentary bean burritos that are causing you to tighten your ass in a bow-legged stance in that picture.