Categories: News

Always money in the Netflix stand: Arrested Development gets a return date

God we missed this

Traditionally, May is a time to be outside enjoying the sunlight, forever fretting more and more about your beach body and the lack of your having one. But screw that, why should we go outside when there’s so much great stuff right here on the internet? Like, for example, Netflix’s miraculous rescue of Arrested Development, which finally has a release date. Go run and tell hermano all about it, presuming you know what that actually means.

Netflix has announced that the terrible adventures of the Bluth family will return on May 26 at 12:01am, with all 15 episodes being available to stream at once. Fortunately for those of you with normal jobs, that’s a Sunday, so you’ll have an opportunity to binge on every episode so you can talk about it at work the next day, while not doing any work at all. The miraculous rebirth of the show includes the entire cast, even famous big shots like David Cross and Jason Bateman, along with Jessica Walter, who took time out of her busy schedule of being an animated drunk woman to film the season. No word on whether Carl Weather will be there to give brokester-friendly tips to the cast, but we can always hope. Happy binging!

David Colon :