Brooklyn is full of naturally creative people who seem to just have been born with the skill to draw, sew, photograph and create cool things. Then there is the rest of us, the ones who actually have to put in the work to master certain skills so we can create cool things ourselves, in order to not be known as “that person with the office job.” We could nag the naturally creative people, but they are too busy, well, creating, so what is a potential creative to do? Well, we’ve partnered with CourseHorse, which has a wide selection of classes where for just a few hours you can have someone who knows what they’re doing helping you master a skill you will need to benefit your creative needs.
1. Sewing Machine Basics & Operation Workshop
Do you have notebooks upon notebooks of cool designs of everything from shirts to dresses to skirts that you want to personally own or sell to other like minded fashionable people? Then you should know your way around a sewing machine. This one-hour weekend workshop, which will cost you $50, will serve as a nice introduction to the sewing machine your parents passed down to you, after you begged them to get it from the back of the attic.
2. DIY Silkscreening
Stop us if you’ve heard this before: someone, maybe you, says something funny and you think, “I should put that on a T-shirt.” Maybe you write it down, or (if we’re being honest here) you save the tweet and go back to it everytime you need a good laugh. Well, with this four-hour, $75 intensive workshop, you can “learn how to prepare a screen, transfer an image, and make a print from start to finish.”
3. Basic Assembly 1: Charm Necklaces
Charm necklaces aren’t just for teens in summer camp. This class is for those who want to upgrade their jewelry game, or have visions of themselves becoming the charm necklace version of Jacob the Jeweler. This two-hour, $40 workshop will have you working on your first of perhaps many charm necklaces you’ll be selling on the streets of Williamsburg as part of your branded collection in no time.
4. Photography Crash Course: DSLR
You finally saved up and bought a decent camera. No more grainy iPhone pics, now you’ll take pictures of everything from street art to sunsets with clarity. If you only knew how to work the damn thing. This is where this three-hour, $75 course comes in. Here, you’ll learn what all the settings and buttons do, so you won’t embarass yourself on your first photographer meet-up.
5. Photography Crash Course: Dark Room Basics
You look at everyone with their fancy DSLR cameras and you scoff. You bought yourself an old school film camera at some Brooklyn yard sale and you’re ready to show these young punks how photography is done. You took some pictures, however there is the whole process of getting them printed. Before you turn your bathroom into your own personal darkroom, you should possibly take this three-hour $85 course, so you don’t wind up making your roommate’s bladder explode for no reason.