The 10 best cheap things to do this week, take a knee edition

See the story of a person searching to understand herself (#9).

1. Park your butt at Envisioning Bushwick Inlet Park III, one of a few hearings in 2018 to discuss the future look of the park while discussing planning and current trends in park, waterfront and open space design. (Monday, Bushwick Inlet Park, FREE)

2. The benefits outweigh the calories at Downward Donut Beer Yoga, where yoga will be held in a side room for an hour of soothing stretching, plus with a free beer token to hydrate yourself afterwards. (Monday, The Well, $20-25)

3. Take one for the team at Taking a Knee: Sports and Activism and join writers from The Bleacher Report and The Nation for a conversation about the platform athletes have, and the swirling debate around their actions. (Tuesday, Brooklyn Historical Society, $10)

4. Learn from their mistakes at How I Learned, which returns for one night only, featuring writers, storytellers, comedians, and other raconteurs holding forth on a rotating theme, hosted by Blaise Allysen Kearsley. (Tuesday, Union Hall, $8-10)

5. Be upbeat and animated at Animation Nights, a curated screening of animated short films and virtual reality animation experiences from all around the world. (Wednesday, WeWork Dumbo, FREE)

6. Abandon your inhibitions at Joke No More where an entirely masked audience will encounter a gamut of characters who will engage the audience with intense psychological experiences. (Wednesday, Vital Joint, $10)

7. Make sure to take notes at Next Slide Please – A PowerPoint Comedy Show that asks comedians to prepare and deliver PowerPoint presentations about whatever they want, like redwood trees, third quarter profits, or an exciting timeshare opportunity in Key West. (Thursday, Pine Box Rock Shop, FREE)

8. Play devil’s advocate at See You In Hell, where comics tell jokes while arm wrestling, doing yoga, or freestyle rapping, which is hell for the performer, hilarious for you. (Thursday, Union Hall, $8-10)

9. Search for answers at  “A” (What The Black Girl Found While Searching for God), a play where, as A thinks she’s come to understand her own existence, God goes missing leaving A to confront an antagonistic narrator who may lead her to the peace she hopes to find. (Friday, FiveMyles, FREE)

10. See a photographic finish to you week at FEEL: An Instant Photography Group Show, featuring work on instant film by twelve artists from NYC and around the world with the theme of “feel”. (Friday, Brooklyn Film Camera, FREE)

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Alix Piorun :