The 10 best cheap things to do this week, brass band edition

Get brasstastic at the Honk NYC kickoff party (#3). Photo via Alix Piorun

1. Test your skills at Jeopardy Meets Trivia whose very own host, Austin Rogers, has won 9 consecutive rounds of Jeopardy. Watch his 10th episode air and afterward stay for his usual Monday night trivia. (Monday, The Brazen Head, FREE)

2. Get sloopy at Sloop Jumbly, where your comedic hosts are the sloopiest and jumblest of all, featuring performances from Marcia Belsky, Rae Sanni, Tommy Pico and Lisa Fagan. (Monday, Vital Joint, $5)

3. Bust out your best brass at the Honk NYC kickoff party with an evening of brasstastical antics and shenanigans: all-brass Nirvana covers, New Orleans standards, and a renegade parade. (Tuesday, City Reliquary, FREE)

4. Stretch your brain cells at Trivia Tuesdays for a chance to engage your mind, win some prizes, and enjoy 2-for-1 beers until 9pm. (Tuesday, Parklife, FREE)

5. The night mayor cometh at Tell NYC’s Night Mayor: Save NYC Spaces, the only chance for public input before the Night Mayor is chosen. Insist their job should be to save NYC spaces, not amplify gentrification. (Wednesday, Market Hotel, FREE)

6. Media-tate on the state of media at From Napster to Netflix. Since 1999 there has been a massive transformation in how we create and consume media; this class charts the waves of change over the past two decades. (Wednesday, Brooklyn Brainery, $15)

7. Get crispy at The Real Stories Behind CRISPR, where documentary film director Adam Bolt will share insights from his meetings with pioneers in the field behind CRISPR, the controversial gene editing technique. (Thursday, Genspace, $8)

8. Delve into the horrors of being a queen at Lady Queen Presents: HallowQueen. This month gets a little spooky and a bit kooky with games, raffles and more, featuring Billie Daze, Florence D’Lee, Lilith LeFae and Rachel Ratchet. (Thursday, Bizarre Bar, $10)

9. Flow like the poetry at Roots Poetry Series featuring Harmony Holiday, Vincent Guerra and Alex Dimitrov. (Friday, Roots Cafe, FREE)

10. Rock out for a good cause at F**k Cancer, where Thunderpussy return to NYC to raise money for their friend, stylist, and spirit animal, Chelsey Pickthorn, who was sadly diagnosed with breast cancer in August. (Friday, St. Vitus, $12)

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Alix Piorun :